Enrique's Pages

Please read the note at the bottom of this page.

Paĝoj de Enrique
En Esperanto

Páginas de Enrique
En Español

Enrique's pages

My new Esperanto page   http://esperantofre.com

My old Esperanto page   http://eeo.8k.com

Map of my sites   http://esperantofre.com/eroj/mapoe.htm

I started to write a book about how people use Esperanto; how the people that speak Esperanto enjoy its use. It is a collection of anecdotes from the Esperanto life, told by those people that enjoyed those experiences.

You can read the book now:   http://esperantofre.com/book

The book will keep growing, as other Esperanto-speakers send their contributions. Those that want to collaborate with the book, can see more details on this page in Esperanto:


The book also exists   en Esperanto   and   en Español

Enrique in Ĉina Radio Internacia

Infanoj Ĉirkaŭ la Mondo 
(Children Around the World)

These books were illustrated by children, for other children to learn Esperanto. Questions and answers, mostly in Esperanto, with some help in English. I will add more English and Spanish help after I finish uploading the books.

Esperanto Koresponda Servo  (Pen Pal Service in Esperanto)

This is a list of Esperanto speakers searching pen pals in other countries. Because its subject is correspondence in Esperanto, this page is in Esperanto. The participant's names and the places where they live are generally understood even without knowing Esperanto. This page reached its 10 anniversary on July 2006.

"Vojaĝo en Esperanto-Lando",  is a book in Esperanto written by professor Boris Kolker. It is used as a textbook to study Esperanto to a higher level. On these pages there are many comments and book-reviews, all in Esperanto.   "Recenzoj kaj intervjuoj"
    Pages   http://esperantofre.com/okemo/Okem45.htm   46   47   48 <-- newer

Amerika Biblia Societo   (American Bible Society)

It has a glass front. Written on the glass are the first words of the Bible in many languages: "En la komenco", (In the beginning).

Peace Boat in San Francisco

October 11, 2006         11 pictures and report

January 22, 2007         3 pictures and small report


All these pages are written in Esperanto, but they have many pictures.

55-a Jarkongreso de Esperanto-USA (ex ELNA),
(Esperanto-USA Annual Conference)


Esperanto Nacional Conference, en Tijuana, Mexico.
July 27 - 30, 2007

54-a Jarkongreso de ELNA,
Esperanto-Ligo por Norda Ameriko
(ELNA Annual Conference)


Esperanto Nacional Conference, in New York City.
July 21 - 24, 2006

TKEK 2006   TutKalifornio Esperanto Konferenco

All-California Esperanto Conference.
Davis, California, USA. March 24 - 26, 2006   Davis is a small town, 15 miles west of Sacramento, the capital of California. It has an agricultural university. This page has more than 40 pictures. You can see me on the last 2 pictures on page 3, all the way to the right:

89-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto,
World Esperanto Congress in Beijing, China

Last week in July 2004. There were 2031
Esperanto speakers from 51 countries.
There are some pictures.

Internacia Semajnfino Esperantista
(International Esperanto Weekend)
Ludlow, Vermont, USA.

Okemo 2002.   Saturday October 12 to Monday 14.   Many pictures.

Okemo 2001.   Saturday October 6 to Monday 8.   Many pictures.

5-a TAKE, Tut Amerika Kongreso de Esperanto
(5th All American Esperanto Convention)
Information, comments, reports, resolutions, facts, 289 pictures.
Mexico City, April 15 - 21, 2001

My old sites have commercial
advertisements. In February 2006 I started
a new site without those advertisements.
Eventually, all my pages will go into that
new site. That requires lots of time.
The new site is

The old sites are:
"Aol", "8K", "Tripod", "Geocities" ...

The old sites have many more pages.
For that reason, some of the links don't
work at the new site.

Updated by Enrique,   October  7,  2007